Friday, 20 September 2013

Where Do Writers Find Their Ideas?

Ok so here's the thing. You love to write and you actually do want to. But what do you write about? Where do you find your ideas?

Ideas can come to you anywhere, at any time. And most writers would tell anyone just about that, if they are asked, which happens to be often. Those ideas just come into their heads. It may not be a satisfactory answer, but then again there is no better way to explain it.

And believe it or not, if they're not paying enough attention, those ideas will just about go away as well. Writers would certainly vouch for the many times an idea popped into their head and slipped away because they didn't make a note of it anywhere.

It important thus, if you do want to write, to note down the idea when it does come to you. Just a simple bullet pointing list or keywords is enough to trigger that idea when you are ready to start writing.

Stephanie Meyer famously dreamt the genesis of the Twilight Series and so did Robert Louis Stevenson for The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Stephen King reportedly snoozed his inspiration for Misery, while asleep on a plane.

So go ahead and take that power nap if you have to. Sometimes those ideas may knock on your door when you least expect it.

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