Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Claimed- A Peek into a Doomed Future?

After reading, perhaps, the hundredth conspiracy theory on the Illuminati and lizards taking control of the world, I began to think, is this really possible?

I guess there is after all some credibility to the saying that if you read too much of one thing, you begin to believe in them.

Trying to keep my sanity in check and in balance, I did try to saturate my reading materials to include Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. But for some reason, I kept reverting to all these conspiracies theories flooding the internet.

Even when the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared despite the efficiency of modern technology, conspiracy theories were born to explain how. When Robin Williams, Peaches Geldof, and Joan Rivers passed away this year, conspiracy theorists didn't wait too long to compose yet another mind-boggling explanation as to why they were murdered by the ever-secretive society of the Illuminati.

I am not sure if any of these theories hold any water, but it did stir my imagination as to what the future would be like.

There is already speculation that technology has peaked.And given that a peak follows a decline, this does give some cause to worry about the future.

Smartphones, social media and globalization are only few of the issues being debated over whether they have reached its peak. I pray dearly they haven't as I still haven't got my hoverboard like that of Michael J. Fox's in Back to the Future and the world hasn't surpassed that of The Jetsons.

I refuse to believe technology has peaked until we can do that!

However, with the added worry of the increasing class and wealth divide, the future can look more gloomy than ever for pessimists.

Some famous conspiracy theories include:

1. The Reptilian Elite
A theory popularized by the former BBC sports writer, David Icke which posits that people of power and influence are blood-thirsty, shape-shifting, extra-terrestrial reptilian elites.

Famous reptilians include Rhianna, Jack Nicholson, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the British Royal Family and... wait for it... Scooby Doo. Yep, he wasn't spared either. Basically, almost anyone and everyone who is of power and a celebrity.

Source: http://www.sherryshriner.com/images/obalizard.gif

2.The Illuminati
A super, super secret society that has penetrated governments, finance, science, business, the entertainment industry, through mind-control and with one goal in mind- WORLD DOMINATION!

What does irk me about this theory is that the society is so secret, everyone knows it exists. I suppose the Illuminati didn't do a not-so good job of keeping that a secret.

Anti-fluoride campaigners believe that fluoride is harmful to health and damages a specific part of the brain.

4.Subliminal Messages
Subliminal messages are embedded in advertising, songs, videos as a way of controlling the mind and coercing people to act in a specific way.

Buy my book... buy my book... buy my book.

Ok, that wasn't quite subliminal. I need some lessons from the experts.

5.Electronic Banking
Electronic banking was created by a secret group that plans to dominate the world. Basically, once everyone is sucked into it, relying on virtual money (debit cards and credit cards), they will erase everyone's bank accounts and as result, reintroduce slavery to the modern world.

Admit it. That freaked you out just a teeny bit. Oh well... I was.

JFK- President of the United States of America, 1961-1963
Yes, he believed them too

6.AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Conspiracy theorists claim that AIDS is a biological weapon, created by the Pentagon to control the lower-class population of the United States.

7. Cell phones causes cancer
The theory is that governments are deliberately shrouding the fact that cell phones are causing cancer- just as they did with tobacco, a long, long time ago.

8.Weather Modification
Yes, it is believed we can now control the weather! Well, not you, specifically... but you know what I mean.

For example:
i. Hurricane Sandy was an engineered super-storm by Barack Obama. How is it possible? This was done by HAARP. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

ii. The Lynmouth Flood was caused by cloud seeding.

iii. Operation Popeye was the reason for the extended monsoon season in Vietnam, running between 1967-1972

iv. Europe is stealing rain from Iran as accused by former Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

9. Global Warming is a Hoax
Yes, this is despite the numerous scientific studies showing that the Arctic Sea is thawing, flowers are blooming much earlier than normal and the undeniable changing patterns of migratory birds and animals.

10. Where is the water?
Sparked by the dramatically reduced water levels of the Great Lakes, theorists believe that companies are bottling them up and selling them or secretly shipping them to China.

While we may label conspiracy theorists as being loony or weird, what is scary is the equal potential of these theories coming true. Based on the numerous times in the past where once conspiracy theories were only that- just conspiracies but then turned out to be fact, must we be cautious about who we pin as the crazies?

For instance:
1. The NSA and mass-surveillance operations were once drummed as conspiracy theories. Until governments caved in and admitted they were involved in a surveillance program like the Echelon.

2. The CIA had been rumored to be involved in drug trafficking. This was only a theory until former police officers and drug lords produced evidence of the fact that the CIA and U.S. banking giants were some of the top players in the global drug trade.

3. And yes, the Mafia didn't exist until the 1960s. Conspiracy theorists believed they were a secret group involved in organized crime. Proven to be a fact and shocking the world, when people discovered just how much control they had on the CIA, politicians and businesses.

Cue- The Illuminati. Could they then exist too?

If history does repeat itself, maybe we shouldn't be quick to mock these conspiracy theorists too quickly.

Read Claimed and discover what it maybe like if any of these conspiracy theories did come true.