Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Claimed- A Peek into a Doomed Future?

After reading, perhaps, the hundredth conspiracy theory on the Illuminati and lizards taking control of the world, I began to think, is this really possible?

I guess there is after all some credibility to the saying that if you read too much of one thing, you begin to believe in them.

Trying to keep my sanity in check and in balance, I did try to saturate my reading materials to include Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. But for some reason, I kept reverting to all these conspiracies theories flooding the internet.

Even when the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared despite the efficiency of modern technology, conspiracy theories were born to explain how. When Robin Williams, Peaches Geldof, and Joan Rivers passed away this year, conspiracy theorists didn't wait too long to compose yet another mind-boggling explanation as to why they were murdered by the ever-secretive society of the Illuminati.

I am not sure if any of these theories hold any water, but it did stir my imagination as to what the future would be like.

There is already speculation that technology has peaked.And given that a peak follows a decline, this does give some cause to worry about the future.

Smartphones, social media and globalization are only few of the issues being debated over whether they have reached its peak. I pray dearly they haven't as I still haven't got my hoverboard like that of Michael J. Fox's in Back to the Future and the world hasn't surpassed that of The Jetsons.

I refuse to believe technology has peaked until we can do that!

However, with the added worry of the increasing class and wealth divide, the future can look more gloomy than ever for pessimists.

Some famous conspiracy theories include:

1. The Reptilian Elite
A theory popularized by the former BBC sports writer, David Icke which posits that people of power and influence are blood-thirsty, shape-shifting, extra-terrestrial reptilian elites.

Famous reptilians include Rhianna, Jack Nicholson, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the British Royal Family and... wait for it... Scooby Doo. Yep, he wasn't spared either. Basically, almost anyone and everyone who is of power and a celebrity.

Source: http://www.sherryshriner.com/images/obalizard.gif

2.The Illuminati
A super, super secret society that has penetrated governments, finance, science, business, the entertainment industry, through mind-control and with one goal in mind- WORLD DOMINATION!

What does irk me about this theory is that the society is so secret, everyone knows it exists. I suppose the Illuminati didn't do a not-so good job of keeping that a secret.

Anti-fluoride campaigners believe that fluoride is harmful to health and damages a specific part of the brain.

4.Subliminal Messages
Subliminal messages are embedded in advertising, songs, videos as a way of controlling the mind and coercing people to act in a specific way.

Buy my book... buy my book... buy my book.

Ok, that wasn't quite subliminal. I need some lessons from the experts.

5.Electronic Banking
Electronic banking was created by a secret group that plans to dominate the world. Basically, once everyone is sucked into it, relying on virtual money (debit cards and credit cards), they will erase everyone's bank accounts and as result, reintroduce slavery to the modern world.

Admit it. That freaked you out just a teeny bit. Oh well... I was.

JFK- President of the United States of America, 1961-1963
Yes, he believed them too

6.AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Conspiracy theorists claim that AIDS is a biological weapon, created by the Pentagon to control the lower-class population of the United States.

7. Cell phones causes cancer
The theory is that governments are deliberately shrouding the fact that cell phones are causing cancer- just as they did with tobacco, a long, long time ago.

8.Weather Modification
Yes, it is believed we can now control the weather! Well, not you, specifically... but you know what I mean.

For example:
i. Hurricane Sandy was an engineered super-storm by Barack Obama. How is it possible? This was done by HAARP. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

ii. The Lynmouth Flood was caused by cloud seeding.

iii. Operation Popeye was the reason for the extended monsoon season in Vietnam, running between 1967-1972

iv. Europe is stealing rain from Iran as accused by former Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

9. Global Warming is a Hoax
Yes, this is despite the numerous scientific studies showing that the Arctic Sea is thawing, flowers are blooming much earlier than normal and the undeniable changing patterns of migratory birds and animals.

10. Where is the water?
Sparked by the dramatically reduced water levels of the Great Lakes, theorists believe that companies are bottling them up and selling them or secretly shipping them to China.

While we may label conspiracy theorists as being loony or weird, what is scary is the equal potential of these theories coming true. Based on the numerous times in the past where once conspiracy theories were only that- just conspiracies but then turned out to be fact, must we be cautious about who we pin as the crazies?

For instance:
1. The NSA and mass-surveillance operations were once drummed as conspiracy theories. Until governments caved in and admitted they were involved in a surveillance program like the Echelon.

2. The CIA had been rumored to be involved in drug trafficking. This was only a theory until former police officers and drug lords produced evidence of the fact that the CIA and U.S. banking giants were some of the top players in the global drug trade.

3. And yes, the Mafia didn't exist until the 1960s. Conspiracy theorists believed they were a secret group involved in organized crime. Proven to be a fact and shocking the world, when people discovered just how much control they had on the CIA, politicians and businesses.

Cue- The Illuminati. Could they then exist too?

If history does repeat itself, maybe we shouldn't be quick to mock these conspiracy theorists too quickly.

Read Claimed and discover what it maybe like if any of these conspiracy theories did come true.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Ashton Pryor- A Modern Day Heathcliff?

Warning:  Contains Spoilers to The Atonement

I have always been fascinated by the character of Heathcliff in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

Tom Hardy as Heathcliff- a hero or a villain?
Image Source: http://thealphabetician.wordpress.com/2012/04/07/
He is the typical bad boy of his time. His despicable conduct towards Catherine, his violence and his possessiveness makes him out to be the perfect character you just love to hate.

Through the entire novel, he is a true enigma as readers struggle to decipher why he acts the way he does, searching instead for redeemable qualities to justify why he even attempts to be the protagonist in Wuthering Heights. Why is he even worthy of Catherine's love?

While writing Affairs & Atonement, I couldn't help but revisit my fascination for this dark character. Thus perhaps sub-consciously inspiring some of those flawed elements into my very own Mr. Pryor.

From the very on-set, Ashton isn't the perfect hero. He makes mistakes. He regrets them. He works on amending them.

If anything, he maybe confusing. As a result, I will do my best to shed some light on his actions.

1. Why does Ashton heartlessly throw Christy out on the night of their marriage?

Ashton loves his sister, Linda. Undoubtedly, he is a young man very much influenced by the women in that period of his life. He protects Linda like a son would protect his mother and he does explain that later in the novel.

However, his attraction for Christy wavers him and he doesn't like this at all. It confuses him. His initial intentions of giving Christy a chance to life by marrying her are honest and honorable. This is evident when he refuses to apologize to Christy for marrying her. He has always wanted to marry her.

However, when he receives that ill-fated call about Linda's deteriorating health, it puts him into an irrational spin. And he blurts out in automated mode the sentiments of the women in his life- his mother and his aunt.

Take note Ashton is only an 18 year old. As a boy just entering adulthood, he can be quite impressionable. It isn't exactly a new fact that boys mature much later than girls. And it takes Ashton some time to grow-up and form his own opinion on certain subjects, especially those regarding his own family.

Moreover, Ashton spoke out of passion for his family. And people do say and do things in their moments of hurts and pain they would not have otherwise done in a better state of mind.

Ashton does regret his contemptuous behavior when he goes looking for Christy the instant he returns home to Bennett. In his naivety, he had assumed Christy would be there at Marshall's because she had no where else to go. This however, backfired on him when he discovers she runs away altogether. He regrets what he has done to her for the rest of his life.

2. Marital Abandonment and other legal issues

Marital abandonment was certainly a remedy Ashton or Christy could have sought in order to formally dissolve their marriage. And by all means he could have had his divorce papers served to her. In fact, he would never have had to set his eyes on Christy again! He could have happily married Naomi and sailed into the sunset.

However this is what you would most likely get to read after 20 or so pages:

Source: https://0.s3.envato.com/files/38938444/end%20title%20590.jpg

But that's not my story. That isn't the route I wanted to take. Affairs & Atonement is not meant to be a case study for some law textbook. It is not meant to be anyone's guide on how its various issues could be rectified by some legal remedy. It's a romance veered by the emotions of the characters involved.

Furthermore, Naomi comes to realize that Ashton's eleven year search for Christy to end his marriage is just an excuse. Ashton reveals to the end of the novel that he had always loved Christy and that he never intended to end his marriage to her. Considering every attempt to find her had failed, his engagement to Naomi was simply a ruse to convince Christy's close friend, Hilda into revealing Christy's whereabouts.

Of course, like most people, he doesn't realize why he has done what he's done until he is forced to man-up to his emotions.

3. Ashton's Affairs

Ashton is an 18 year old when Christy disappears. He explains he has never really loved anyone else other than her, evident from the manner in which he would sabotage his relationships with other women. He's convinced though, with the despicable manner in which he had treated Christy, there would be little chance of them ever getting together again. His reasons for initially searching for her are to largely apologize for his behavior and to ensure that she is doing well.

Seeing that there really is no hope in ever being with her, he mindlessly moves from one relationship to another. Come on, people... he is 18 years old. Do you really expect him to remain celibate for eleven years?

4. Ashton and Naomi

Naomi is a poor substitute for Christy. Ashton is very clear about that. He settles for her in the disheartening belief that even if he wanted Christy, she would never want him back.

But he does care for Naomi as a friend would do another. And this makes it all the more hard for him to end his relationship with her when he is called to do so.

5. Naomi or Christy

Ashton cares about the women in his life. He acknowledges that he is who he is because of the women in his life.

He could have ruthlessly brushed Naomi away because he's finally found Christy again. But because he respects her for the woman she is, he is conflicted on how he should break the news to her. He begs time and again for Christy to be patient. He knows he would have to tell Naomi about his feelings for Christy. But he wants to be certain that he has opted for a way that would hurt her less and not more.

Has it ever been easy to choose between two people you care about?

6. Ashton's Affair with Christy

Christy is Ashton's weakness. He acknowledges that through the entire book.So when he does meet her again, he can't help but give into it.

He is aware that he is cheating on Naomi, but as a man who had been searching for the love of his life for eleven years, he submits to his desires to be with her. Since Naomi is away, he procrastinates on his decision to face her and tell her how he feels about Christy. His actions are largely a sub-conscious decision to not face up to reality.

However, when Naomi does make an unannounced entrance at Puyallup, he knows he would have to tell her sooner or later. While he doesn't verbally reveal his affair to Naomi, his manner and his body betrays him. He refuses to touch or sleep with Naomi romantically after Christy re-enters his life.

7. The Atonement

His first atonement begins when he helps Christy with the lodge. His reasons are largely to put her back on her feet so he is assured she is independent and secured.

His second atonement is to not revenge by seeking legal reparations regarding their son. Instead, he perseveres to do what's best for his wife and son.

His last atonement is being there finally for the woman he has loved after she's had her accident. She suffers life threatening injuries and with Christy's condition, Margaret, Christy's foster mother would never have been able to shoulder the burdens of the lodge on her own.

Ashton at last attains enlightenment on what he needs to do in his life. He quits his job to be with the people he loves and works on healing Christy both emotionally and physically.

It's been a rather emotional journey bringing to life a flawed protagonist. Of course, Heathcliff will continue to remain my very epitome of all flawed heroes.

Who has been your favorite bad boy? Any  character out there you just simply loved to hate?

Friday, 10 October 2014

When The Wife Becomes The Other Woman

A few weeks ago, Sydney journalist, Amanda Goff revealed that she quit her job as a beauty editor and taken up a career as a high-paying sex escort, charging up to $5000 a night.

Amanda Goff- From journalist to escort
Source: http://www.womansday.com.au/lifestyle/true-life-stories/2014/9/amanda-goff-reveals-why-she-went-public-about-her-life-as-a-high-class-escort/

As I scrolled down the article https://au.news.yahoo.com/sunday-night/features/a/24859902/australian-journalist-reveals-secret-life-as-escort/, reading about why she had decided to make such an unusual career change, it is the following statement which intrigued me.

"Now she believes she can help save marriages because of her experiences with the married man who pay more than three times the average weekly wage for a night of her company."

So can infidelity save marriages?

While that question is up for debate, it holds without a doubt that infidelity exists. The reasons for cheating are though multitude- ranging from personality issues, to lack of sexual attraction or an addiction to sex.

Some claim that human beings are simply not engineered to be monogamous. It sounds all very scientific and logical, but there are also several cases in the history of human existence which show couples have remained loyal through their lives without ever cheating- thus successfully counteracting that argument.

The term "cheaters" in itself carry a negative connotation. Regardless of where it happens, in exams, jobs, relationships, games- both the doer and the deed are bound to be socially chastised.

Why then is cheating given salvation in marriages? Perhaps because people are desperate for some justice in their acceptance of infidelity in their relationships?

However is the case, there is always someone who will be hurt when someone cheats. And for that reason alone, infidelity may not be all worth it.

Being a staunch loyalist, I fail to realize how cheating saves a marriage. But it isn't just my strong sense of faithfulness to my husband that keeps me on the straight and narrow. I know I would totally fail as a cheat. I'm too bleeping lazy! I'd be tripping over all the evidences and the lies. In addition, I'm comfortable. And the idea of getting back to all that work of trying to impress a new partner, absolutely dreads me. You know you've got a keeper of a man if you can fart comfortably without being judged. Neither do I have the energy for all the 'emo' drama that follows cheating... yep, I didn't lie when I said I was lazy. In light of all the labor involved, I'd rather quit the relationship than cheat.

Of course to each his own. So if you are intending to cheat, I do advice that you invest in a serious course on spying and private investigation. After all, it is a whole lotta work. And because cheating is only good until... well, you're caught.

My new romance, 'Affairs & Atonements' centers around the theme of infidelity. The question though is where does Ashton Pryor's infidelity lie? With his girlfriend or his wife?

Affairs & Atonements is now available at all Amazon stores

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

In Love With Your Captor: The Stockholm Syndrome

People have always been curious about why some hostages either fall in love or are protective of their captors. It is a psychological condition so complex that even after being given a name only a mere forty-one years ago, there are still studies conducted to determine why it is that some people are more prone to Stockholm Syndrome than others.

Jan-Eric Olsson being taken into custody by gas-masked police
In 1973, two armed men, Jan-Eric Olsson and Clark Oloffson held hostage four employees of Kreditbanken, a bank based in Stockholm, Sweden. In the matter of a mere six days, the hostages had taken sides of their captors, as they tried to rescue them (the captors) and even trying to save them after they had surrendered. One called the then Prime Minister of Sweden Olof Palme, scolding him to let both the captors and the hostages free. She continued to remain friends with Olofsson in particular after his arrest.

More recent cases involving Stockholm Syndrome would perhaps be those of Elizabeth Smart in 2003 where she only admitted to being herself after being shown a picture of her before she was abducted and Shawn Hornbeck in 2002 who did not reveal his predicament to police officers when he had the opportunity to do so during his captivity.

There are several reasons as to why hostages develop Stockholm Syndrome some of which are a threat to their lives or those of their loved one, some kindness from their captor, the feeling of being continually watched and the threat that they would continually be harmed even after escaping.

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0e
Literature and movies have always romanticized the idea of being captured and falling in love with captors. Tales like Beauty and the Beast and movies such as Seven Brides for Seven Brothers immediately spring to mind. But are they true to the condition of Stockholm Syndrome? Does the freedom to choose to fall in love make it any different from Stockholm Syndrome?

My romantic sensibilities would think it is different. In Beauty and the Beast for instance, the Beast changes to accommodate Belle in his life and so do the brothers in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Other than that, there would have been no continual threat to the lives of these captives had they chosen to leave them.

And more than anything else, there is the idea that both the captive and captor had fallen in love and lived 'happily ever after'- so to speak.

While some are averse to stories of captivity, there are others who will continue to be mystified and dream of some swashbuckling beast who they could tame and fall in love with.

My new romance titled "Captive: Veiled Desires" touches on love with a captor.

Nora Jennings quit her job as a photographer for a small community newspaper to fulfill her dreams of traveling. First stop-Kashmir, the land renowned as heaven on Earth.

But dreams have a terrible habit of turning into a nightmare. And suddenly she finds herself bound and gagged in Afghanistan, ready to be wedded to Pashtun brute, Adam Afridi.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

The Beauty of Afghanistan

It's hard to imagine that a country like Afghanistan could be beautiful.

Nuristan, Afghanistan
Source: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/199/6/c/a_view_of_beautiful_nuristan__afghanistan_by_msnsam-d57omgu.jpg

War, violence, religious fanatics have all but driven away any visions of what this country actually is. With
beautiful snow-capped mountains, spectacular desert landscapes and lush valleys, it is disheartening that people aren't able to experience the natural wonders which behold Afghanistan.

But this now war-torn country wasn't always as volatile. In fact, through the 1950s to the 1960s, Afghanistan was an increasingly progressive country. Unbelievable as it may sound now, women wore short skirts, had co-ed classes and were generally protected under law.

Source: http://www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/a55dld-cuaelnkc.jpg
While the Taliban government of Afghanistan had been toppled over in December, 2001, there is a lot to be done before this historically rich country will be able to experience proper freedom.

Check out my new series, Captive, based in Afghanistan's amazing wilderness.

 Book 2
 Book 1

Nora Jennings quit her job as a photographer for a small community newspaper to fulfill her dreams of traveling. First stop-Kashmir, the land renowned as heaven on Earth.

But dreams have a terrible habit of turning into a nightmare. And suddenly she finds herself bound and gagged in Afghanistan, ready to be wedded to Pashtun brute, Adam Afridi.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Untamed Hearts- Series 1 (Red Collar): Chapter 1

Untamed Hearts is a spin-off series from the novel, Red Collar and follows the romance between Lorenzo and Libby. Series 1 focuses on their budding love.

Libby watched Kate brooding in the corner of their balcony. She noticed that her older sister rarely left the house since she had returned from Sitka. She didn't understand what was wrong except that something had changed in the course of her one week trip.

"Libby, can I have a drink of cordial juice, please?" Lily tugged at her pants.

Libby, reluctantly, turned away and looked down at her six year old sister. "Which one would you like? Raspberry or lime?"


"Yeah?" Libby smiled. "And why is that?" she asked, even though she knew exactly what her answer would be.

"Because it's red. And my favorite color is red and pink and purple."

"Mine too," she said, as she mixed her drink.

"What's wrong with Kate, Libby? Is she dying?" Her eyes peered over at Libby, filled with a depth of concern not suited to a child of her age.

Libby's heart lurched. Lily had endurably watched her mother die slowly from liver cirrhosis. She had never known her mother other than the invalid who occupied her time between the bathroom and the bed. The only mother she could relate to was Kate. It wasn't surprising to Libby that anyone who looked as solemn as Kate did now, could only mean she was ill and about to die to Lily. It was all Lily had known. It certainly wasn't surprising and it definitely was sad.

But Libby had also known no different. Lily, at least, hadn't witnessed the drunk mother she had experienced, in addition to the several different men that used to frequent their apartment. Their home would be teeming with emptied bottles of alcohol, boxes of squashed, empty beer cans and stunk of cigarette odor. It used to be a relentless task emptying the garbage three floors down the building. She used to be so ashamed of her drunk mother though, she would wear a balaclava over her head as she would empty the evidence of her mother's addiction in the garbage bins of the neighboring building.

It was no wonder then, she was so jealous of Kate. Kate had it all. She had seen the wonderful mother their mother could have been and she had a father who had loved her. Libby, like the rest of her half-siblings, didn't know which of the men their mother brought home, could have been their father.

She leaned forward on her elbows, watching the little girl seated across the table. "She's not dying, Lily. Everyone who is sad or sick doesn't necessarily mean that they're dying. I think she's... just tired. She's had a long trip to Alaska. And Alaska is pretty far away from New York."

"How far?"

"Very far."

"As far as the moon?"

"No, but it is far," Libby rolled her eyes. "Now, if you've finished your drink, maybe we can ask Kate how far it really is. But not now," she added, quickly, before Lily could ask her when. "Once Kate is feeling a little better, okay?"

Lily downed her drink speedily when she heard the television blare one of her favorite series' theme. She shot out of the kitchen, leaving Libby alone once more to worry about Kate.

It was true she hadn't gotten on with Kate and she had deliberately tried to vex her on numerous occasions. But that largely was due to her jealousy. She wanted her picky, bossy older half-sister back so she could return to her sixteen year old self she had begun to love playing. Since Kate had taken over the household responsibilities three months ago, she never had felt so light and burden-free. No longer did she have to slave after her drunk, slobbery mother, or endure the task of ensuring that there was a meal in the house for her three siblings. She didn't have to worry about the little matters of pickings and dropping-offs of Lily and Johnny to and from school and she never would have to be concerned about how much money their mother had left in her wallet to pay for the bills and their shopping. But she was darned if she would say it out aloud.

She slid open the door to the balcony. "Kate, is there something wrong? Do you want to talk about it?" she muttered.

Her concern should have surprised Kate because she never once had shown she cared for her sister. But Kate didn't move at all. She sat with her knees folded up to her chest and her hair strewn wildly about her.

"Kate, what's going on?" she asked, again. "You've been in such a depressive state since you've returned from Sitka. Did something happen?"

Kate wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Leave me alone."

"Kate...," she started again.

"Leave me alone! Go away! Let me be!!"

Free Reviews for the Debut Self-Publisher

For many independent authors, Amazon certainly ranks as the top preference for self-publishing and it's no big secret that Amazon gives more exposure to those books with a reasonable collection of reviews.

But where can you get a free review? After all, most independent authors do not have that supporting financing network privileged to their traditionally published counterparts.

A small search online will provide some good places to start with. I've personally found some success at websites such as http://www.theindieview.com and http://dlmorrese.wordpress.com.

Then of course, there is the popular https://www.goodreads.com. I can carefully surmise that almost every self-publisher I've met, is or has been a member of this website. While some despise it to the core, others find it an enriching resource for their writing. There are several groups which you could join to suit your needs. There is a place to vent, rant, explore your hidden literary desires and most definitely, find the reviewers you're desperately seeking for your debut novel.

There are several review groups on Facebook as well that you could explore at your will. Like any product, each group is different and does not suit the several personalities who surf them. One may appeal to you more than the other.

I've also had some stroke of luck with Twitter as well. There have been cases where readers have connected to request for a copy in return for a review. So, if you don't have a Twitter account, it may not be a bad idea to get one. Here is my Twitter link to add to your follow list, if you think it might help to ease your nerves; https://twitter.com/ccartharn

Not everyone is social media savvy. And it can be quite daunting to step into such a forum as a newbie. But each step is a growing process, contributing unconsciously to your evolution as an author. So remember to keep stepping, keep moving. You've completed the most important task of all. You've completed your book. Welcome to the publishing world.